Identity: Castañé tándem, SCP – CIF: J65442659


Castañé tándem, SCP, as the owner of the Website, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on the Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), informs you that it has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data entered.


Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes:

– To carry out the necessary commercial and administrative transactions involving the users of the site;

– To send commercial advertising communications by email, social media or any other electronic or physical means, in the event that the User has expressly opted in to receiving commercial communications electronically by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER;

– To reply to messages and/or provide information requested by the user;

– To provide the services and/or products purchased or requested by the User

– To contact you, both electronically and non-electronically, to obtain your opinion about the service provided and,

– To notify you of important changes or updates to the privacy policy, legal notice or cookie policy.

– The data of customers and/or suppliers will be processed as part of the contractual relationship that links them with the controller, in compliance with the administrative, fiscal, accounting and labor obligations that are necessary pursuant to the applicable law.

You can withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email with the subject line “Unsubscribe” to

As per the LSSICE, Castañé tándem, SCP does not send spam, meaning it does not send marketing emails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the User. Consequently, every email that is sent to users will offer the express option of unsubscribing from our emails.

We will not process your personal data for any purpose other than those described, except as required by law or court order.


Your data will be stored for the duration of the commercial relationship with us or until exercise your right of deletion or objection, or to limit its processing. However, we will store certain personal identification and traffic data for a maximum of 2 years in case it is required by a court or to initiate internal actions resulting from the improper use of the website.

It will not be subject to decisions based on automated processing that have an effect on your data.


The legal grounds for processing the data is the consent you give us for the purposes described above, which you will be asked to give by checking the corresponding box when we collect your data.

Failure to provide the personal data requested, or to accept this data protection policy, means you will be unable to purchase, register for or receive information on the products and services of the Provider.

In cases where there is an existing contractual relationship between the parties, the grounds for satisfying the administrative, tax, accounting and labor obligations that are necessary under the applicable law shall be the prior existence of the commercial relationship entered into by the parties.


Any notification sent will be entered into the computer systems of Castañé tándem, SCP. By accepting these conditions, terms and policies, the User expressly consents to let Castañé tándem, SCP carry out the following activities and/or actions, unless the User indicates otherwise:

  • Send marketing and/or promotional communications by any means available to inform Users of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information involving the services and products related to the activity.
  • If the User has expressly opted in to receive marketing communications electronically by subscribing to the NEWSLETTER, the sending of said communications by electronic means informing the User of the activities, services, promotions, advertising, news, offers and other information involving the services and products of Castañé tándem, SCP that are equal or similar to those that the User initially purchased or expressed an interest in.
  • The storage of the data for the periods specified in the applicable laws.


The user is informed that the methods made available by the company to communicate with clients and other interested parties is the corporate telephone, corporate mobile telephones and corporate email.

If you send personal information through a method of communication other than those specified in this section, the COMPANY will be exempt from liability in relation to the security measures provided by the method in question.


Castañé tándem, SCP does not transfer or disclose data unless required to do so pursuant to a court order or legal obligation, or unless it obtains the user’s consent beforehand.

It also will not transfer your personal data abroad without your prior consent. Your account may be blocked or deleted if there are indications that you have used it to engage in any kind of criminal activity. Only the information available to the provider at the time will be disclosed or transferred.

Castañé tándem, SCP will not transfer the data collected to third parties unless required to do so pursuant to a court order or legal obligation, or unless it obtains the user’s consent beforehand.

The information you give us, whether through this website or the application, will be stored on the server of Castañé tandem, SCP.


As a user/data subject, you can request to exercise the following rights with Castañé tándem, SCP by submitting a letter to the postal address at the top, or by sending an email to, specifying in the Subject line “LOPD, EXERCISE RIGHTS”, and attaching a photocopy of your ID or any similar means in law, as provided for by the law.


  • Right to access:allows the data subject to know and obtain information about their personal data subject to processing.
  • Right to rectification or deletion:allows the data subject to correct errors and edit data that turns out to be inaccurate or incomplete.
  • Right to erasure:allows data that is inadequate or excessive to be deleted.
  • Right to object:right of the data subject to order that their personal data not be processed, or to stop such processing.
  • Limit processing:entails marking stored personal data with the aim of limiting its processing in the future.
  • Data portability:provides the data that is subject to processing to the data subject so that they can easily transfer it to another controller.
  • Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions (including profiling): the right not to be the subject of a decision based on automated processing that has effects on or significantly affects the data subject.

As a user, you also have the right to withdraw your consent, if given, at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before said withdrawal.

You also have the right to submit a claim to the supervisory authority ( if you believe that your data protection rights may have been violated.



The data collected by the controller is as follows:

– That which users provide through the various services offered on the website

– That included in the various forms available on the website

– Data collected through cookies to improve the browsing experience, as detailed in the cookie policy.

The refusal to supply any required data will make it impossible for us to process the specific request in question. You state that the information and data you provide to us is accurate, current and true. If any of the information needs to be updated, please inform us immediately so that the information that we process is current at all times and does not contain any errors.

If you purchase a service/product through our website, we will ask you to give us information about yourself, including your name and contact and payment (credit or debit card) information.

Through this Privacy Policy, we inform you that the photographs that are posted on the website are the property of Castañé tándem, SCP, including those of minors, for which we received the signed consent of the parents, guardians or legal representatives through the forms made specifically for this purpose. However, the parents, guardians or representatives of the minors, as the holders of the rights pertaining to their children, and after presenting a formal request in writing, may indicate their refusal to use the image of the minor, in which case the image will be pixelated.



We inform you that Castañé tandem, SCP may be present on social media. The data of individuals who follow us on the official social media pages of Castañé tándem, SCP (and/or who create any links or connect through social media) will be processed in accordance with this section, as well as with the terms of use, privacy policies and access regulations put in place by the relevant social media platform, and which were previously accepted by the user.

Castañé tandem, SCP will process your data for the purposes of correctly managing your presence on the social media platform and to inform you of the provider’s activities, products or services, as well as for any other purpose that the rules of the social media platforms allow.

The publication of the following content is prohibited:

– That which is presumably unlawful under national, EU or international laws or that involve activities that are allegedly unlawful or that violate the principles of good faith.

– That which threatens the fundamental rights of people, shows a lack of courtesy on the network, annoys or may result in negative opinions in our users or third parties, and in general contains any content that Castañé tándem, SCP deems inappropriate.

– And, in general, that which violates the principles of legality, honesty, responsibility, protection of human dignity, protection of minors, protection of public order, protection of privacy, protection of the consumer and of intellectual and industrial property rights.

Likewise, Castañé tándem, SCP reserves the right to withdraw from the website or the corporate social media page, with no prior notice, any content that is deemed inappropriate.

Any messages sent through social media will be entered in a file owned by Castañé tándem, SCP, which may send you information that is of interest to you.

You can access more information, as well as consult the companies that are part of Castañé tándem, SCP.

In any case, if you send personal information through the social platform, Castañé tándem, SCP will not be subject to any liability involving the security measures applicable to this platform. Users who want more information about said measures are asked to please check the specific conditions applicable to the network in question.


The information you provide will be processed confidentially. The Provider has adopted all the technical and organizational measures, with due regard to the state of the art and to the nature of the stored data, and all the levels of protection necessary to ensure that the data is processed securely and is not altered, lost, stolen, or illegally processed or accessed. Likewise, it also guarantees that the processing and registration in files, programs, systems or devices, premises and centers comply with the requirements and conditions of integrity and security laid out in the applicable laws.


The language applicable to this Privacy Policy is Spanish. Therefore, if there are any contradictions in any of the versions provided in other languages, the Spanish version shall prevail.


Castañé tándem, SCP reserves the right to edit this policy to adapt it to new laws or regulations.


For all applicable purposes, the relationship between Castañé tándem, SCP and the Users of those online services available on this Website, are subject to Spanish law and jurisdiction, to which the parties expressly submit. The venue of record for settling any disputes resulting from or related to the use of this website is the Courts of Barcelona.